
Ohutus pole juhus. Vaatle, mõtle ja tegutse!

Meie tööstusharus on ohutus kõige tähtsam ja me soovime hoida kõik oma kliendid informeerituna nii juhtimis- kui tehnoloogilisel tasemel, pakkudes neile kõige uuemat praktilist ohutusalast teavet bituumeni käsitsemise kohta.

Safety articles

  • Minimising the risk of boil-over

    When water comes into contact with hot bitumen, a powerful reaction occurs. This is because when water is heated to the temperature of the bitumen, it vaporises and expands.

  • Responsibility for our products and their impact

    It is an overarching objective for Nynas to minimise the impact of its products on health, safety and the environment. Playing a key role in this work is Product HSE.